cultural pest control

Prevention and Cultural Methods for Pest Management 

By using prevention and cultural methods for pest management we can achieve long-term relief from all the pest issues we have. A number of preventative measures are there to reduce the likelihood of pest problems around your home and office. By preventing pest problems before infestation, the use of pesticides and other pest control practices can also be reduced.

The presence of pests around us is always irritating. Even though there are several preventative and cultural methods that you can apply yourself, a large amount of pest infestation is out of control of your hand. To get your pest issues managed by a trusted pest control company you can contact the experienced and trained professionals at New Star Pest Control and Cleaning Service in UAE.

Cultural methods of pest management

Cultural methods of pest management work by modifying growing conditions to interfere with pests and their life cycle. The different cultural methods we commonly use include the use of resistant varieties, tillage, mulching, hand weeding and hoeing, trapping, pruning, and handpicking of insects, pests, and also weeds. Prevention and cultural methods for pest management. The use of physical barriers like row covers and sticky bands are also widely used in farming and gardening.

The problems with rodents, birds, and other wildlife animals are common in farming and these problems are best prevented with the use of fencing, netting, and scaring devices.

1. Tillage

cultural pest control
cultural pest control

It is commonly used to control weeds. Tilling also can be used to bring larvae and pupae of some insect pests into the soil surface where they may be exposed to desiccation, predation, or freezing. Younger weeds are easier to control by using this method.

2. Mulches

Mulches help to create healthy soil and plants that are less susceptible to insect pests and diseases. Spread mulches on the surface of the soil to prevent moisture loss of the soil, inhibit germination and growth of weeds.

3. Netting

Netting is a cultural pest control method that is used as a physical barrier to protect plants are fruits from insects, birds, wasps, and other pests.

4. Handpicking insects

It is a more practical method for pest control in a home garden if the pests are large and easily seen. Prevention and cultural methods for pest management. This method will be useful only when you have a small amount of pest infestation which is under control. Make sure to properly identify the pests and check the underside of leaves, the base of the leaf stem, and also around the base of the plant thoroughly.

5. Pruning

cultural pest control
cultural pest control

Most trees and shrubs need some pruning for size, shape, and also continued good growth. Removing dead, diseased, or insect-infested branches by pruning will reduce damage to the whole plant. It also reduces the spread of the pest or disease to other trees and shrubs in the area. It also helps to reduce the wetness and humidity of plants which leads to many disease problems.

6. Traps

There are several types of traps available for monitoring the insect population. Pheromone traps and sticky traps are the commonly used traps in the home garden and greenhouse to detect the presence of insects.

A pheromone trap produces an odor that is attractive to targeted insects and will lure them inside. Sticky bands and traps also help to catch the insects and pests in your garden. Simply place them in the garden and the pests will come to get stuck on them. Prevention and cultural methods for pest management.

How to prevent pests from your garden?

Many pest problems can prevent by planning a garden in advance. By selecting a planting site that is favorable for the crop and natural enemies of a pest, we can avoid pest problems up to a limit. You need to thoroughly understand the landscape environment and select plants or crops that are appropriate for it.   

While selecting a planting site consider the soil type, drainage facility, soil pH, availability of rainfall, moisture, sunlight, and also shade. When a plant that is suited to the sun is planted in the shade, the grown tend to be more succulent. This may lead to greater problems with disease or pests. Prevention and cultural methods of pest management. Before planting, you need to know the ability of the plant to survive cold winter temperatures likely to occur in your site. This plant hardiness zone also plays a role in pest infestation. 

The timing of planting and harvesting can be helpful in controlling certain pests. Different types of pests are present in different climates and that is the main thing you need to record before planting. It will help to avoid planting in peak pest infestation periods in the future. Planting trap plants that the insects prefer to feed will help to minimize the damage to the main crop.

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